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Food Freedom Playbook
Intro + About Kelly (6:21)
Creating Your Habits (12:12)
How This Works (7:58)
Module 2: Your Personal Inventory
Importance of Mindset (6:59)
Finding Your Root (7:07)
Negative Thought Patterns (8:35)
Affirmations (6:10)
Change Your Language (5:09)
Self-sabotage and Habit Creation (9:52)
Module 3: Drop Dieting
The Truth About Dieting (11:37)
The Diet Cycle (6:30)
How to Drop Dieting (5:37)
The Decline of Intuitive Eating (6:53)
Module 4: Finding Food Freedom
What is Food Freedom + Why it Works (11:00)
Addressing Concerns (5:35)
Hunger + Fullness Cues (9:20)
Identify Cravings (7:06)
Mindful Eating (8:52)
Willpower + Cognitive Dissonance (10:46)
Note Your Biofeedback (6:19)
Next Steps (2:09)
Module 5: Binge + Emotional Eating
Types of Binges (10:39)
Acknowledge + Feel (6:53)
Strategies (7:04)
Celebrate (6:45)
After the Fact (7:31)
Module 6: Simple Nutrition
Protein (4:37)
Fat (9:23)
Fiber (4:25)
Build + Balance (10:54)
Module 7: Movement
Intro to Exercise (4:34)
Reframe Exercise (13:09)
Advanced: Strength Training (6:27)
Create Your Workouts (6:06)
Module 8: Lifestyle
Your 'Ideal' Body (4:08)
You got this! (1:14)
Mindful Eating
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